Recently I had the good fortune to visit Prague for business.

It is such a beautiful, well-preserved medieval city. I was only scheduled to be there for 5 days, so on one of my rare days off I decided to wander the streets and soak up some culture.

After an exhausting day of sight seeing and souvenir shopping, I was headed back to my hotel for a nap before dinner.

A block away from the hotel sitting next to his owner on a door stoop was an unleashed 4-5 month old, floppy puppy. This cutie pie got up and came over to sniff me. Recognizing the international dog greeting I let him give me a smell and then I walked on to the hotel.

Apparently during our hello, his nose keyed in on a most delicious scent and it was in one of my shopping bags. Suddenly he had to have what was in the bag. He kept grabbing at it while his owners ran up the street yelling something in Czech which I can only guess translated into “come back here!”.

I stopped and waited for his people to come and get him since he wasn’t going to leave on his own. They finally got a hold of his collar and took him back to the stoop where they’d been sitting previously and I continued on my way.

He sat there for about 10 seconds but couldn’t stand it any longer and bolted after me again.

Hearing a commotion behind me I turned around to see what was happening. Here he came, galloping up the sidewalk with that clumsy puppy run headed straight for me. His little mind screaming I MUST HAVE THAT BAG!!!

When he caught up to me, he grabbed my bag. I tried to turn away and protect my purchase but he was insistent, eventually ripping the thin plastic to shreds and liberating his prize – my newly acquired antique hat with rabbit fur on it! Yay!

He grabbed the hat and ran as fast as he could in the opposite direction, ears flapping in the wind and his people chasing him down the street. All I could do was watch and laugh. It was actually pretty funny.

Finally they caught him. They retrieved my hat (only slightly slobbery) and gave it back to me. His people were very apologetic but I let them know it was no big deal. We all laughed because it really was too cute.

But it wasn’t his fault, it was just his nature at work. As a dog person I totally understand what motivates them and this pup was very motivated. I felt bad for him though, he worked so hard only to have it taken away.

In the end, I got a hat with an extra-fun memory, he got an adventure, and his people got quite the workout!


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