6 Fun Superhero Costumes for Your Dogs

6 Fun Superhero Costumes for Your Dogs

Here they come to save the day!  From x-small to x-large, theres a superhero size for every crime-fighting dog.    1. The DC Justice League Superman Illusion Dog Suit. Set your pup up for a Halloween look that’s out of this world. This Superman Dog Costume look...
Prague Dog

Prague Dog

Recently I had the good fortune to visit Prague for business. It is such a beautiful, well-preserved medieval city. I was only scheduled to be there for 5 days, so on one of my rare days off I decided to wander the streets and soak up some culture. After an exhausting...
Found Toys are the Best Toys!

Found Toys are the Best Toys!

Why are “found toys” often a dog’s favorite toys? And of course, the best ones seem to be the dirty, ragged things they find in the park.   Benu had quite the toy collection. You could spot his favorites full of teeth marks and missing eyes, and always the...
How To Make House-Training A Puppy Easier

How To Make House-Training A Puppy Easier

When you follow the right procedures, house-training a puppy can take just a few weeks!     Key points to remember during house-training:       When house-training a puppy, don’t forget that this is a baby. Keep in mind that you are raising the...
Doghouses – Then and Now

Doghouses – Then and Now

Doghouses have really changed over the years. As we continue to embrace our pets as family members we naturally respond to those who question our devotion with “Why shouldn’t my dog have it good? They stick with me through thick and thin and I owe it to...